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Fruit processing machines

Fruit is tender and sensitive. So it needs to be processed with the utmost care. Our machines stand out for their careful treatment of the fruit during peeling, seeding, stoning, cutting or picking. The fruit thus remains in the best possible condition, resulting in a more attractive finished product with a longer shelf life.

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Vegetable processing machines

ZTI offers complete solutions for the processing of various sorts of vegetable, including drumhead cabbage, pointed cabbage and broccoli. From conveyor belt to complete processing line. We will listen to your requirements and supply customised machines with in-feed and removal conveyors.

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ZTI smart robotics

 Robotics and Vision techniques are a logical addition to our smart machines. Certainly within our core business; the mechanization of processes in the food industry. This could be in the processing or in the handling and packaging.

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Cabbage Corer & Wedger

This cabbage processing machine serves as both a cabbage corer and cabbage slicer, combining two functions into one. It starts by inserting a whole cabbage into the machine. The cabbage is securely held in place while the core is removed using an adjustable drill. After the coring process, the cabbage is skillfully divided into two or four wedges. Now it is ready for further processing or perfectly suitable for any culinary need.

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